A basics class to learn to tune, hold, and strum your ukulele!
Get started on the ukulele with songs like Day-O (the Banana Boat Song), Feelin’ Groovy, Rock Around the Clock, Simple Gifts, Singin’ in the Rain, Surfin’ USA, Twist & Shout and more. Along the way you’ll learn to tune, hold, and strum your ukulele – all the basics you need to know. This fast-paced class, loaded with practical information and fun is Version 3.0 of this popular camp, reflecting over a decade of experience in getting people started on the ukulele. Bring your own ukulele and be prepared to have a great time!
Instructor M. Ryan Taylor: Composer/vocalist/multi-instrumentalist has written dozens of songs in popular, folk, broadway, choral, operatic and classical styles. He holds a Master of Music degree in music composition from BYU (see choirworks.com for his full works and bio), yet keeps a foot in the popular music pond most of the time by teaching, performing and songwriting with the ukulele (see ukuleleplay.com).
IMPORTANT: Please plan to bring a tuned-up ukulele and tuner to these classes. If you have questions on what ukulele/tuner to purchase or how to get your ukulele tuned-up before class, please feel free to contact the instructor at [email protected]